Results for 'Tóth Gabor Fejes'

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  1.  18
    The paradoxical effect of climate on time perspective considering resource accumulation.Gábor Orosz, Philip G. Zimbardo, Beáta Boőthe & István Tóth-Király - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    The Four Faces of Competition: The Development of the Multidimensional Competitive Orientation Inventory.Gábor Orosz, István Tóth-Király, Noémi Büki, Krisztián Ivaskevics, Beáta Bőthe & Márta Fülöp - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  3. The Concept of Affectivity in Early Modern Philosophy.Gábor Boros, Judit Szalai & Oliver Toth (eds.) - 2017 - Budapest, Hungary: Eötvös Loránd University Press.
    Collection of papers presented at the First Budapest Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy.
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  4. An Illustration of the Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM) Framework on the Passion Scale.István Tóth-Király, Beáta Bõthe, Adrien Rigó & Gábor Orosz - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  5. Personal Identity and Self-Interpretation & Natural Right and Natural Emotions.Gabor Boros, Judit Szalai & Oliver Toth (eds.) - 2020 - Budapest: Eötvös University Press.
  6. Fixed Intelligence Mindset, Self-Esteem, and Failure-Related Negative Emotions: A Cross-Cultural Mediation Model.Éva Gál, István Tóth-Király & Gábor Orosz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A growing body of literature supports that fixed intelligence mindset promotes the emergence of maladaptive emotional reactions, especially when self-threat is imminent. Previous studies have confirmed that in adverse academic situations, students endorsing fixed intelligence mindset experience higher levels of negative emotions, although little is known about the mechanisms through which fixed intelligence mindset exerts its influence. Thus, the present study proposed to investigate self-esteem as a mediator of this relationship in two different cultural contexts, in Hungary and the United (...)
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    Pride and Social Status.Henrietta Bolló, Beáta Bőthe, István Tóth-Király & Gábor Orosz - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:386264.
    Pride is a status-related self-conscious emotion. The present study aimed to investigate the nature of status behind pridein four studies with using the two-facet model of pride, status maintenance strategies and with differentiating subjective social status (SSS) and objective social status (OSS). In Study 1 and 2 we used questionnaire methods with structural equation modeling (SEM) in order to identify the relationship patterns between SSS, OSS, status maintenance strategies and pride. In Study 3 and 4 we used vignette methods and (...)
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    Do we parse the background into separate streams in the cocktail party?Orsolya Szalárdy, Brigitta Tóth, Dávid Farkas, Gábor Orosz & István Winkler - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:952557.
    In the cocktail party situation, people with normal hearing usually follow a single speaker among multiple concurrent ones. However, there is no agreement in the literature as to whether the background is segregated into multiple streams/speakers. The current study varied the number of concurrent speech streams and investigated target detection and memory for the contents of a target stream as well as the processing of distractors. A male-voiced target stream was either presented alone (single-speech), together with one male-voiced distractor (one-distractor), (...)
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    BOROS, Gábor – SZALAI, Judit – TÓTH, Olivér István (eds.): The Concept of Affectivity in Early Modern Philosophy.Virág Véber - 2020 - Filozofia 75 (1).
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    A Cognitive Elaboration Model of Sustainability Decision Making: Investigating Financial Managers’ Orientation Toward Environmental Issues.Edina Eberhardt-Toth & David M. Wasieleski - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (4):735-751.
    This empirical paper examines individual-level cognitive factors associated with developing an orientation to sustainable development issues among a population of business practitioners from France. Across two studies, we survey 180 financial managers and 83 finance students, as well as 144 managers from other business disciplines and 117 non-finance business students. We consider ability and motivation variables integrated and adapted into a cognitive elaboration model for sustainable decision making. Specifically, we examine the degree of influence of two factors on the ethical (...)
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  11. European Citizens under Construction: The Bologna process analysed from a governmentality perspective.Andreas Fejes - 2008 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (4):515-530.
    This article focuses on problematizing the harmonisation of higher education in Europe today. The overall aim is to analyse the construction of the European citizen and the rationality of governing related to such a construction. The specific focus will be on the rules and standards of reason in higher education reforms which inscribe continuums of values that exclude as they include. Who is and who is not constructed as a European citizen? Documents on the Bologna process produced in Europe and (...)
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  12. Imre Lakatos' Hungarian dissertation. A documentation arranged by Gábor Kutrovátz.Gábor Kutrovátz - 2002 - In G. Kampis, L: Kvasz & M. Stöltzner, Appraising Lakatos: Mathematics, Methodology and the Man. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 353--374.
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    Foucault and Lifelong Learning: Governing the Subject.Andreas Fejes & Katherine Nicoll (eds.) - 2008 - Routledge.
    Over the last twenty years there has been increasing interest in the work of Michel Foucault in the social sciences and in particular with relation to education. This, the first book to draw on his work to consider lifelong learning, explores the significance of policies and practices of lifelong learning to the wider societies of which they are a part. With a breadth of international contributors and sites of analysis, this book offers insights into such questions as: What are the (...)
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    Natural Numbers, Natural Shapes.Gábor Domokos - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (5):743-763.
    We explain the general significance of integer-based descriptors for natural shapes and show that the evolution of two such descriptors, called mechanical descriptors (the number _N_(_t_) of static balance points and the Morse–Smale graph associated with the scalar distance function measured from the center of mass) appear to capture (unlike classical geophysical shape descriptors) one of our most fundamental intuitions about natural abrasion: shapes get monotonically _simplified_ in this process. Thus mechanical descriptors help to establish a correlation between subjective and (...)
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    In Vivo: A Phenomenology of Life-Defining Moments.Gabor Csepregi - 2019 - Chicago: Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    The course of human life, punctuated by unexpected and transformative moments, is never uniform. What are the characteristics of such life-defining moments, what responses do they evoke, and how do they transform the lives of those who experience them? In Vivo explores foundational questions and pivotal moments of the human experience – engagement with a foreign culture, the decision to break free from unfortunate experiences, a generous action undertaken in the context of an otherwise regular day – in terms of (...)
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    A szabadulás esélyei a libertínusok fogságából.Ádám Fejér, Natália Szalma & Sándor Albert (eds.) - 1998 - [Szeged]: József Attila Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kara.
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    Tudomány és hagyomány.Ádám Fejér & Natália Szalma (eds.) - 1993 - [Szeged]: JATE Bölcsészettudományi Kar.
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  18.  13
    Metaphors of Synchrony: Emergence and Differentiation of Online Chat Devices.Guillaume Latzko-Toth - 2010 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 30 (5):362-374.
    Through a detailed account of the history of online chat devices, this article shows the emergence, over time, of two distinct interactional formats underlying these social media. They may be captured by two generic metaphors of synchrony: conference (a gathering in a virtual place where unfocused interactions and group sociability occur) and copresence (where practices are centered on the sustainment of contact between individuals who know each other). Internet Relay Chat (IRC) appears as the archetype of the conference format. This (...)
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  19.  10
    Abriss einer funktionellen Semantik.Gábor O. Nagy - 1973 - The Hague,: Mouton.
  20.  35
    G. Vicarelli (a cura di), Regolazione e governance nei sistemi sanitari europei.F. Toth - 2012 - Polis: Research and studies on Italian society and politics 26 (1):146-147.
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    Humanity and Nanotechnology.Tihamer T. Toth-Fejel - 2004 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 4 (2):335-364.
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  22.  27
    Controversies on, in, Around, and About the Subject: Barrotta P. & Dascal M. : Controversies and Subjectivity. Italian Culture Institute in London, University of Pisa/tel Aviv University Controversies 1, 2005. x, 411 pp. ISBN 978 90 272 1881 0/eur 125.00, ISBN 978 1 58811 615 4/usd 169.00.Gabor A. Zemplen - 2009 - Argumentation 23 (1):115-121.
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    The Derveni Papyrus: Cosmology, Theology and Interpretation.Gábor Betegh - 2004 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is a comprehensive study of the Derveni Papyrus. The papyrus, found in 1962 near Thessaloniki, is not only one of the oldest surviving Greek papyri but is also considered by scholars as a document of primary importance for a better understanding of the religious and philosophical developments in the fifth and fourth centuries BC. Gábor Betegh aims to reconstruct and systematically analyse the different strata of the text and their interrelation by exploring the archaeological context; the interpretation of rituals (...)
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    The Clever Body.Gabor Csepregi - 2006 - University of Calgary Press.
    "In this book, Gabor Csepregi describes in detail the nature and scope of the body's innate abilities and reflects on their significance in human life."--BOOK JACKET.
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    Cosmological Ethics in the Timaeus and Early Stoicism.Gábor Betegh - 2003 - In David Sedley, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Volume Xxiv: Summer 2003. Oxford University Press. pp. 273-302.
  26.  42
    Mental Fictionalism and Epiphenomenal Qualia.Gábor Bács - 2018 - Dialectica 72 (2):297-308.
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    Theory-Containment in Controversies: Neurath and Müller on Newton, Goethe, and Underdetermination.Gábor Á Zemplén - 2018 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 49 (4):533-549.
    Olaf Müller’s book develops a new case for underdetermination, and, as he is focusing on theories of a ‘limited domain’, this assumes the containability of the theories. First, the paper argues that Müller’s theory of darkness is fundamentally Newtonian, but for Newton’s optical theory the type of theoretical structure Müller adopts is problematic. Second, the paper discusses seventeenth-century challenges to Newton, changes in the proof-structure of Newton’s optical theory, and how these affect Müller’s reconstruction. Müller’s book provides empirically equivalent theories, (...)
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  28.  36
    Social Studies of Science and Science Teaching.Gábor Kutrovátz & Gábor Áron Zemplén - 2014 - In Michael R. Matthews, International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching. Springer. pp. 1119-1141.
    If any nature of science perspective is to be incorporated in science-related curricula, it is hard to imagine a satisfactory didactic toolkit that neglects the social studies of science, the academic field of study of the institutional structures and networks of science. Knowledge production takes place in a world populated by actors, instruments, and ideas, and various epistemic cultures are responsible for providing the concepts, abstractions, and techniques that slowly trickle down the information pathways to become stabilized in university curricula (...)
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    On the Personal, Intersubjective, and Metaphysical Senses of Death: An Inquiry into Edmund Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenological Approach to Death.Gábor Toronyai - 2023 - Husserl Studies 40 (1):67-88.
    In this short study, I attempt to reconstruct the main conceptual components of Edmund Husserl’s concept of death following the leading clue of his late transcendental phenomenological methodology. First, I summarise his thoughts on death, from the point of view of “the natural attitude”, as an event in the world. Then, I try and explore the manifold senses of the limit phenomenon of death as a multidimensional transcendental phenomenological problem in all of its intersubjective-world constitutive, personal-primordial, and metaphysical-constructive layers of (...)
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  30. “Deus fons veritatis”: the Subject and its Freedom. The Ontic Foundation of Mathematical Truth. A biographical-theoretical interview with Gaspare Polizzi.Imre Toth - 2009 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 1 (1):29-80.
    “Deus fons veritatis”: the Subject and its Freedom. The Ontic Foundation of Mathematical Truth is the title of Gaspare Polizzi’s long biographical-theoretical interview with Imre Toth. The interview is divided into eight parts. The first part describes the historical and cultural context in which Toth was formed. A Jew by birth, during the Second World War Toth became a communist and a partisan, enduring prison, torture, and internment in a concentration camp from 1940 until 6 June 1944. In the second (...)
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  31. Being Charitable to Scientific Controversies.Gábor Á Zemplén & Tamás Demeter - 2010 - The Monist 93 (4):640-656.
    Current philosophical reflections on science have departed from mainstream history of science with respect to both methodology and conclusions. The article investigates how different approaches to reconstructing commitments can explain these differences and facilitate a mutual understanding and communication of these two perspectives on science. Translating the differences into problems pertaining to principles of charity, the paper offers a platform for clarification and resolution of the differences between the two perspectives. The outlined contextual approach occupies a middle ground between mainstream (...)
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    History of science in Hungary: Stewardship and audience in periods of institutional and political change.Gábor Á Zemplén - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (3):585-602.
  33. Non-Turing Computations via Malament-Hogarth space-times.Gábor Etesi & István Németi - 2002 - International Journal of Theoretical Physics 41:341--70.
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    Rethinking Sixteenth-Century ‘Lutheran Astronomy’.Gábor Almási - 2014 - Intellectual History Review 24 (1):5-20.
    Narratives about the peaceful and fruitful relationship of religion and science in early-modern times have long since replaced the nineteenth-century vision of the ‘warfare of science with theology...
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  35. El dios de Antonio Machado.Miriam Hoffmann de Gabor - 1963 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 1 (13):339.
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    Clarifying our Ideas in Persuasion Dialogue.Gábor Forrai - 2016 - Informal Logic 36 (4):473-499.
    Persuasion dialogue sometimes helps us to clarify our ideas; this paper attempts to find out what clarification consists in. It criticizes Walton’s view, which explains clarification as making implicit commitments explicit and proposes a different approach according to which clarification consists in replacing narrowly individuated views with epistemically better ones which retain elements of the earlier views. It also argues that clarification so conceived is not one of the main goals of persuasion dialogue but rather an accidental even if welcome (...)
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  37. Les machines à prévoir.D. Gabor - 1962 - Scientia 56 (97):du Supplém. 51.
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    Political Uses of Tradition in Postcommunist East Central Europe.Gabor Gyani - 1993 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 60:893-914.
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    Social History of Urban Space.Gábor Gyáni - 1993 - Human Affairs 3 (1):46-57.
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    A cognitive approach to the methodology of semantic reconstruction: The case of Eng. chin and knee.Gabor Gyori & Iren Hegedus - 2011 - In Kathryn Allan & Justyna A. Robinson, Current Methods in Historical Semantics. De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 73--313.
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    Gewaltlosigkeit gegen Terrorismus? Über Theorien der Gewalt bei Stanley Hauerwas und Oliver O’Donovan.Gábor Viktor Orosz - 2020 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 64 (2):132-137.
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    Polysemy does not exist, at least not in the relevant sense.Gabor Brody & Roman Feiman - 2024 - Mind and Language 39 (2):179-200.
    Based on the existence of polysemy (e.g., lunch can refer to both food and events), it is argued that central tenets of externalist semantics and Fodorian concept atomism, an externalist theory on which words lack semantic structure, are unsound. We evaluate the premise that these arguments rely on—that polysemous words have separate, finer‐grained senses. We survey the evidence across psychology and linguistics and argue that it shows that polysemy does not exist, at least not in this “sense”. The upshot is (...)
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  43.  19
    On a Possibly Pure Set-Theoretic Contribution to Black Hole Entropy.Gábor Etesi - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (2):327-340.
    Continuity as appears to us immediately by intuition differs from its current formalization, the arithmetical continuum or equivalently the set of real numbers used in modern mathematical analysis. Motivated by the known mathematical and physical problems arising from this formalization of the continuum, our aim in this paper is twofold. Firstly, by interpreting Chaitin’s variant of Gödel’s first incompleteness theorem as an inherent uncertainty or fuzziness of the arithmetical continuum, a formal set-theoretic entropy is assigned to the arithmetical continuum. Secondly, (...)
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    Semantic change and cognition.Gábor Györi - 2002 - Cognitive Linguistics 13 (2).
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    Machiavelli's scientific method: a common understanding of his novelty in the sixteenth century.Gábor Almási - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (8):1019-1045.
    ABSTRACTThis paper argues that Machiavelli's method, his inductive and comparative use of history and experience for political analysis, and his fashioning of historical-political analysis as ‘science’, played an important and still unrecognised role in his reception in the sixteenth century. It makes the case that Machiavelli's inductive reasoning and stress on historia and experientia offered a model for scientific method that open-minded sixteenth-century scholars, eager to understand, organise and augment human knowledge, could fit to their own epistemology. By focusing on (...)
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  46. A completeness theorem for higher order logics.Gabor Sagi - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (2):857-884.
    Here we investigate the classes RCA $^\uparrow_\alpha$ of representable directed cylindric algebras of dimension α introduced by Nemeti[12]. RCA $^\uparrow_\alpha$ can be seen in two different ways: first, as an algebraic counterpart of higher order logics and second, as a cylindric algebraic analogue of Quasi-Projective Relation Algebras. We will give a new, "purely cylindric algebraic" proof for the following theorems of Nemeti: (i) RCA $^\uparrow_\alpha$ is a finitely axiomatizable variety whenever α ≥ 3 is finite and (ii) one can obtain (...)
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    Mismatch negativity and neural adaptation: Two sides of the same coin. Response: Commentary: Visual mismatch negativity: a predictive coding view.Gábor Stefanics, Jan Kremláček & István Czigler - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  48.  81
    A simple solution of the uniform halting problem.Gabor T. Herman - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (4):639-640.
    The uniform halting problem (UH) can be stated as follows.Give a decision procedure which for any given Turing machine (TM) will decide whether or not it has an immortal instantaneous description (ID).An ID is called immortal if it has no terminal successor. As it is generally the case in the literature (see e.g. Minsky [3, p. 118]) we assume that in an ID the tape must be blank except for some finite numbers of squares. If we remove this restriction the (...)
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    Doxastic Deontology and Cognitive Competence.Gábor Forrai - 2019 - Erkenntnis 86 (3):687-714.
    The paper challenges William Alston’s argument against doxastic deontology, the view that we have epistemic duties concerning our beliefs. The core of the argument is that doxastic deontology requires voluntary control over our beliefs, which we do not have. The idea that doxastic deontology requires voluntary control is supposed to follow from the principle that ought implies can. The paper argues that this is wrong: in the OIC principle which regulates our doxastic duties the “can” does not stand for the (...)
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    Can War Be Just? A Case Analysis Attempt on the Russia–Ukraine War Sine Ira Et Studio.Gábor Dániel Nagy - 2023 - Open Journal of Philosophy 13 (2):407-417.
    The current confrontation between Russia and Ukraine raises essential problems regarding ethics and laws of war. It also presents an opportunity to compose an ethics case study to analyze the idea of a just war. The present-day war of Russia’s aggression toward Ukraine can hardly be analyzed ethically. We lean back to the seminal ideas of just war theorists to argue that war must be waged in a manner that is consistent with moral and ethical principles, such as proportionality, discrimination, (...)
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